How to Live Your Best Life with a Vivid Vision

by Christopher Levarek

“Without a clear vision, you have no direction, and circumstances could knock you off track.”

- Cameron Herold “Vivid Vision”

With each new year upon us, many start to form new year resolutions to set up their career and business in the best way possible. For me, it takes putting aside some time to really focus on this “before” the new year starts.

If you start with the new year, chances are, you are already behind! It is hard to start something the day you plan it.

One of the best formulas I have found for setting my year for success is using something called a “Vivid Vision”. It comes from an amazing book aptly titled “Vivid Vision” by Cameron Herold in which the goal is to envision your best life in multiple areas.

It has been one of the most valuable tools for building my business but also within my personal, spiritual and family life.

Let me share this concept with you. Not only is it “the answer” to how to live your best life, it will quite possibly be one of the most powerful exercises you do this year.

Let’s jump in!

The Vivid Vision

A vivid vision is really a look into the future. It’s visualizing and documenting exactly what you would love to see for your life in the future.

vivid vision

Valkere Investment Group “Mind Map”

Step 1

The idea is you take 1-2 days or even a couple hours away from your normal routine, office or home.

Go somewhere quiet, away from distractions and get to dreaming. Turn off the phone and be away from your computer. Only bring a notepad and a pen.

Often it can help to create a mind map like the one pictured here.

Start with the topic at hand, business or family for example. Then draw out lines to defining areas of this topic that you would like to see in 3 years time.

Once you have a few items outlined, you can start writing.

Begin to write your vision as if you were standing there three years from now. Describe it as if you it has happened.

How does it feel? How does it look? What does it act like?

Make it come to life on paper!

For building a business, areas to define might focus around revenue, culture, team, image from clients, management structure, etc.

Define these areas as you see them being in three years time.

Create a vision around family, friends, fitness, finance and faith as well. Don’t miss out defining what you want your life to look like outside of career and business.

What is your family doing in three years time? Are you taking trips abroad? Is your son a captain on the soccer team?

How are your relationships with friends? What do you do for fun? What spiritual practices are important to you? What are you proud of?

Write it all down as if you are there and you can see it all before you.

Go big!

Step 2

Take time to edit and tweak your Vivid Vision. It might be as long as 4-5 pages alone! Take the time to refine it, add items and remove items as needed.

My recommendation is to focus on the areas of your life that matter to you most. If you aren’t building a business, then focus on your career ambitions. If your spiritual practice is important, be sure to define that area in detail.

You might not get it all done in a couple of hours. So don’t feel the need to rush the process.

Once you have gotten it to where you want it to be and can do no more.

Type it up and consider sending it to an editor to have them finetune the grammar and punctuation. An editor can also improve the flow of the message or even add touches to liven up the piece.

Another option to really make a vivid vision pop is to add images, graphics or cartoons which exemplify the message.

Some vivid visions are 4-5 typed pages like a book, while others are written like a newspaper excerpt and others can be set up like a vision board, with images, bolded text and colorful symbols.

It really is up to you.

Step 3

Show your Vivid Vision off! With a completed Vivid Vision, hang it on your office wall so you can see it clearly. Share it with your family. Share it with your co-workers or employees. Share it with clients and partners.

Sharing your vision can greatly help everyone to be on the same page of where you are going. Your family will greatly enjoy reading your vision of the future and share in the wins along the way.

Sharing your vivid vision will set the tone for the year. It will allow others to see your picture of the future and know that you are in it to win it so to speak. Partners or family will appreciate that you are in it for the long haul.

It also is a great method for setting accountability. With your vision out there, you have a clear road ahead and know what you are accountable for.

Be proud of your future ambitions!


Creating a Vivid Vision is about defining your best life. Without one, a person can drift without any idea of what or why things are happening to them.

Creating a vision for the future for your family, business and personal life is setting yourself up for the future you want to have. Be sure and read the book, “The Vivid Vision” for more on this topic.

Wishing you much success in the New Year and Happy Investing!