How to 10x Growth through Real Estate Investment Partnerships
by Christopher Levarek
“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
- African Proverb
My 2nd son was born November 10th 2021, giving me now two boys to raise and guide with my wife for the foreseeable future. If you don’t have kids, let me tell you, raising a toddler(my firstborn) while taking care of a newborn and growing a business is no small feat. If you do have kids, well I’m sure you understand.
One key lesson that kids remind you of daily is that time is finite. You have only so many hours in the day. It is up to you on how you spend those hours and the same is true in business or real estate investing.
For example, a real estate investor can spend all their time on one task or they can spend all their time on all the tasks related to a real estate project. This is a simple truth. Some will choose the former option, some will choose the latter. Their success and growth, however, is highly dependent on the choice. It is the most important choice in fact.
Today, we talk on the idea of working with others in real estate investment partnerships versus going it alone. This concept is by far, the number one reason we, personally, have had so much success in real estate and in business. Read on to see how, you too, can use such partnerships to 10X your growth or success!
Real Estate Investment Partnerships
Alright so fairly straight forward in the title, a real estate partnership is two people coming together to partner to do business in real estate. The idea is that each party has skills or assets that the other party does not. By working together, the project or real estate property is far more likely to be successful and be completed all the faster.
Here are a few examples of real estate partnerships :
A prospective investor works with a local real estate agent to find property.
A passive investor invests with a verified and experienced syndication team to buy ownership in apartments.
An active investor borrows capital from another investor to fund a real estate renovation project.
Inversely, imagine the above three scenarios if the investor chose not to partner :
A prospective investor learns all there is to know about being a real estate agent or finding property and coordinates the entire search alone while also performing other duties.
A passive investor interested in apartments attempts to find a deal with little to no personal experience, available time and adequate capital to purchase and ultimately manage an apartment complex.
An active investor purchases a smaller property due to lack of capital for a real estate renovation project because they want to go it alone.
Ok, you should get the picture. Partnerships allow bigger projects, faster turnarounds and decrease risk due to shared liability and increased experience levels.
How Do I Know When I Should Partner?
The question above can always be answered for any task or role by asking three additional questions. If you are presented with a situation or project where you are unsure if you should partner or do the role yourself, ask the following :
Do I enjoy the role or type of work needing to be done?
Am I good at doing the role or type of needing to be done?
Do I have the time for the role or type of work needing to be done?
That’s it. If you enjoy it, are good at and have the time for it, then do it yourself! However, in almost every project, there are always roles or tasks needing to be done that you will not enjoy, be good at or have the time for. This is the simple truth.
In Final
Let me tell you a little secret about Valkere Investment Group :
We. Love. Partnerships.
The Valkere Team
We have partnered up ever since our very first deal in 2018 and we will continue to do so going forward in all areas of our business.
We partner with passive and active investors to invest in real estate.
We partner with co-sponsors to access bigger acquisitions and deals.
We partner with contractors, property managers and asset management teams in our properties.
We partner with capital to fund bigger projects.
We partner with internal employees and virtual assistants to streamline the business and share successes.
We partner with mentors, coaches and larger firms to ensure growth.
We partner with non-profits to make the world a better place.
I’ll leave you with one final takeaway for all the real estate investors out there and that is :
“The sooner an investor realizes real estate is a team sport, the sooner they will not only attain their goals but far surpass them. “
Wishing you much success and Happy Investing!